A critical factor which has a significant impact on marriage and marital life is what is known as Mangal Dosha or Kuja Dosha. (In Tamilnadu it is known as Chevvai Dosha, with Chevvai meaning Mars) what makes this a complex phenomenon is the plethora of rules and exceptions especially with reference to how it is comprehended in different traditions and geographical locations.

According to Maharishi Parasara “If Mars is placed in Lagna, 12th, 4th, 7th or the 8th without the aspect or conjunction of a benefic, the lady will be widowed” (Brihat Parasara Hora Sastra, Chapter 80, Verse 47).

According to Maharishi Parasara “The yoga which causes the woman to become a widow also causes the male native to become a widower. If the man and woman possessing this yoga, join in wedlock, the yoga ceases to have any effect” (Ibid verses 48 - 49). First let us consider the first rule. The house in which Mars gives rise to Mangal Dosha are 1, 4, 7, 8 and 12 - which means the 2nd house is not included by Parasara. The cancellation rule here is that Mars should be conjoined or aspected by a benefic. Most Astrologers consider only Jupiter as a benefic, whenever this rule is invoked. Only Jupiter can cancel the Dosha, not Venus or Mercury.

The second exception carved out by Parasara is that if a woman has the yoga for widowhood and the man has the yoga for becoming a widower and they get married, the Dosha will cease to have effect and is cancelled. To have a long and a happy married life,

(1)Both the boy and the girl should have Mangal Dosha.

(2)Neither the boy nor the girl should have Mangal Dosha.


Before I go into my view on the fatality of Mars Dosha, I will go into an interesting story which has the answer to this question.

In Tamilnadu State Board syllabus for English for the class X exams, there was a story called, “God sees the Truth but waits” written by Leo Tolstoy in 1872.

The story is about a young merchant by name Aksionov, who stays in an inn for a night during which he befriends a merchant and leaves the next day. Confronted on the way by two soldiers, he is questioned about his relationship with the merchant; the soldiers reported to Aksionov that the previous night the merchant had been murdered and they were on an investigation trail. Upon inspecting his bag, the soldiers detect a blood stained knife. They conclude that the merchant was murdered by Aksionov and he was imprisoned and sent to Siberia, from where prisoners seldom ever returned. Twenty six years later, another person by name Semyonich joins Aksionov in Siberia and through a conversation Aksionov comes to know the truth - the person who had committed the crime of killing the merchant was none other than Semyonich and he had put the blood stained knife in Aksionov's bag. Semyonich confesses the truth to the Governor who orders the release of Aksionov. Tolstoy concludes the story stating that by the time the order for his release came, Aksionov was already dead.

The District Educational Officer (DEO) who had come for inspection to a school in Chennai asked the students what they understood by the last sentence and most of them answered by giving the literary meaning. The DEO finally answered the question himself stating that all the students were wrong. The real meaning which is sought to be conveyed by Tolstoy was that Aksionov was as good as dead, a living corpse, a person whose life is gone and one who is as good as dead for all practical purposes. So when the order of release came, Aksionov was alive but a heart broken man.

When most of the textbooks on Mangal Dosha convey the fatal implications of Mangal Dosha, I prefer to say that “Mangal” does not kill the spouse in a literal sense but it has negative connotations. Further the Almighty has not created Mangal with the sole intention of spoiling the married lives of people.One should not attribute fatality to spouse based on Mangal Dosha.

An objection to Mangal dosha is raised by certain astrologers quoting the following adage , as an argument.

" Ayush Karma cha vitham cha vidya Nidanameva cha
Pancha ethani cha sidhyante garbasthasyeiva dehinaha"

Longevity, Karma, wealth, education and death - these five matters are pre-determined even when a person is in the womb.

By looking at the chart of the person these matters can be predicted. So, to say, that Kuja dosha in the spouse's chart will be determine the longevity of a person would be contradictory to the above maxim

My view is that Mangal Dosha can lead to:-

  1. Dearth of Marital happiness,
  2. End of relationship through separation either by way of divorce or otherwise,
  3. Last but not the least, death of spouse based on longevity indicated in that person's chart - not that of the spouse( of the deceased) .


“Dwibharya Yoga” is a yoga for having two wives. Some natives have a yoga for having two or more wives. These yogas are mentioned in “Sapthama Viveka” Chapter of Jataka Tatwa (Translated by V. Subrahmanya Sastri, Page 212). I will mention a few of them.

The number of marriages a native may have will be so many as the number of planets strongly placed in the 7th house aspected by the 7th lord; so is the case with the 8th house aspected by the 8th lord (Ibid Verse 64, Page 221).

If an exalted planet is in lagna and the Lagna Lord is exalted, the native will have many wives (Ibid, Verse 75, Page 223). If the lord of the 7th house is strong and is in a quadrant or trine and in a benefic varga, aspected by the lord of the 10th, the native will have many wives (Ibid, Verse 84, page 224). So, before predicting the outcome of Mangal Dosha, one has to take into account all these rules and see how they concurrently influence the Mangal Dosha already present in the Chart.

As we go into case studies, let us understand that the suffix 'a' means the husband's chart (Example 1a, 2a, 3a etc.,) while the suffix 'b' refers to wife's chart (Example 1b, 2b etc.,).

The first pair of charts refers to a couple who celebrated their “Sadabhishekam” (81st birthday ceremony) recently in Chennai and I was one of the guests. The husband is non - manglik, with Mars in the 6th (and 10th from Moon). The wife has Mars in the 5th, which is not a Dosha as per Parasara and Jataka Chandrika. However some authors take the view that Mars in 5th aspects the 8th in a Woman's chart and even if this were to be true, Mars is harmless as Lagna Lord. Besides this there is a view that Mars has no Dosha in Leo and Aquarius. Hence this seems to be a well - matched pair of horoscopeS and proved right in real life.

Let us now take up for discussion the second couple. Here the husband's chart is Manglik with Mars in the 7th. There is an adverse mutual exchange between lords of 6 and 7. The saving grace is provided by Jupiter in the 9th though it is weak in an enemy's house. In the wife's chart there is Mangal Dosha by virtue of Mars tenanting the 4th house. However the Papa Samya cannot be termed as equal. If we see the Bhava chart, the wife has Jupiter in the 7th, whereas the husband has Mars in the 7th. Though the married life continues, there is potential for conflicts and friction in day - to - day life.

Chart 3b is that of a widowed lady, her husband having passed away in Jan 2014, while climbing Tirumala hill on a pilgrimage. While their married life was good, the husband passed away when he was 57, when the wife was just a year to attain 50. The husband's chart shows that he is Manglik with Mars in the 4th. Both Saturn and Rahu occupy the 7th from Moon which shows that the Mangal Dosha is further intensified. In the wife's chart there is no Manglik but only a feeble Dosha arising out of Rahu in the 7th. The husband passed away in Saturn dasha as Saturn is Ayush Karaka, afflicted in the 12th by Rahu. Therefore this could be taken as a case study wherein the native who had Mangal Dosha passed away instead of the life partner, which is contrary to the rule laid down in Jataka Chandrika. One can, therefore come to a definite conclusion that Mangal Dosha cannot override the Astrological rules laid down for computation of longevity. However the inequality in Mangal Dosha has deprived the wife of marital happiness.

Chart 4b belongs to a female divorcee. In her chart, Mars is in Lagna but as the 7th lord aspecting the 7th it is not a malefic. Further Mars in Chara Rasi does not give rise to Mangal Dosha (vide Jataka Chandrika, Chapter 13, Verse 14). However the 2nd house is afflicted. The 9th house is occupied by a malefic Saturn. In the husband's chart some of the inauspicious yogas mentioned in Jataka Tatwa, discussed earlier, are present. The Kalatra Karaka Venus is in the 8th while the 9th house is occupied by a malefic Sun. The 9th lord is relegated to the 12th. The marriage ended in divorce more so as the husband's 8th lord Jupiter afflicts Mars in the 7th. Usually Jupiter with Mars cancels Mars Dosha but not so in this case from what transpired in real life. Also it needs to be emphasised that when there are numerous afflictions to the houses related to marriage, Mangal Dosha alone cannot be held as the contributing factor for divorce.


The exceptions are:

  1. Mars in the 2nd can be said to be bad provided such 2nd house falls in a sign other than Gemini and Virgo;
  2. Mars in the 4th house causes dosha provided the house falls in any sign other than Aries and Scorpio;
  3. If Mars is in the 7th (other than Capricorn and Cancer), the dosha is given rise to;
  4. Mars gives bad effects in the 8th, provided the 8th house is other than Sagittarius and Pisces.
  5. Mars in the 12th produces dosha provided that house is other than Taurus and Libra
  6. In Aquarius and Leo, Mars produces no dosha whatsoever.
  7. The dosha is counteracted by the conjunction of Mars and Jupiter or Mars and the Moon; or by the presence of Jupiter or Venus in the ascendant.
  8. Those who are born in Cancer and Leo lagna have no Mars dosha, wherever Mars is placed .
  9. When Mars is with Mercury or aspected by Mercury, or when Mars is with Sun or aspected by Sun, no dosha is caused.
  10. When Mars is placed in his own signs Aries or Scorpio, or in his exalted sign Capricorn or in his friendly houses of Leo, Cancer, Sagittarius or Pisces, he causes no dosha.
  11. if the Lord of the sign where Mars is placed, is in 1,4,5,7,9 or 10 to lagna, there is no dosha .
  12. If Mars is in conjuction with Saturn or Rahu or Ketu or aspected by any of them, the dosha gets cancelled.

According to Jatakadeshamargam, “When there is a benefic planet in the 9th house and the 7th and 8th houses have malefic presence in them, the woman born will be endowed with husband and children and there need not be even the least doubt about this” (Chapter 13, Verse 27).

According to Mantreswara “If Saturn and Mars are in the 7th house identical with Cancer, then the wife of the person concerned will be chaste, fortunate and beautiful” (Phala deepika Chapter 10, Verse 3).

Both the rules discussed above could be considered as antidotes to Mangal Dosha.

Coming to the first rule, a strong benefic in the 9th overrides the evil effects of malefics in 7 and 8. This is because the 9th house is the house of luck and divine grace and for any person; a good spouse can be conferred only through luck or divine grace. Some scholars opine that a strong benefic in the 9th could even be interpreted as a strong Jupiter in the 9th. The second exception to Mangal Dosha would be for a boy who is born in Capricorn Ascendant having Mars and Saturn in the 7th in Cancer. Here Mars is debilitated. Mars gets exalted in Capricorn whose lord is Saturn. So the Mars - Saturn conjunction gives rise to a Neecha Bhanga Raja Yoga.

According to Mantreswara, “When a planet occupies his depression sign, if the lord of the rasi so occupied or the lord of the planet's exaltation rasi be in a quadrant from the Ascendant or the Moon, the person born will become an emperor, endowed with riches, will be virtuous, respected by other kings, mighty famous and affluent (Phala Deepika Chapter 7, Verse 29).

Usually Mars with Saturn has a compounding effect on Mangal Dosha. This verse from Phala Deepika carves out an exception to Mangal Dosha.


If we take the textbook verse,

Dhane Vyaye Che Patale

Jamitre Cha Ashtame Kujaha

Streenam Bhartru Vinaasaya

Pumsham bhaarya Vinasyati

A person loses his/her life partner if Kuja occupies 2, 4, 7, 8 or 12.

This applies to both male as well as female charts without any differentiation. However this view is seemingly incorrect and fallacious in logic.

In a girl's chart, the houses relevant to Mangal Dosha are 7 and 8. So, Mars will be affecting either one or both these houses while in 1, 2, 4, 7, 8 or 12.

In a boy's chart, Mangal Dosha affects the 7th alone. The 8th house is relevant to the boy's longevity and is irrelevant to spouse. So Mangal Dosha is given rise to in 1, 4, 7 and 12.

One can easily comprehend this from the following chart:



Based on the following parameters Dosha is ascribed to Mars.


The Dosha as mentioned above will be the same from Chandra lagna while the transit of Moon is 3 ½ days before or after full Moon. The same period close to New Moon Dosha will be ¼th and otherwise it will be ½.

This can better be understood from the following chart.


(1)Although Mars in Lagna produces Dosha, the quantum is 1 instead of 2.

(2)Dosha with reference to Saturn in girl's chart.

2,7,8 1
4,12 ¼

(3)Dosha with reference to Saturn in Boy's chart.

7 1
4,12 ¼

(4)In the case of Sun, the above two rules apply but the Dosha would only be 50% of Saturn.

(5)When Rahu or Ketu occupy the 7th or 8th in a girl's chart or the 7th in a boy's chart, they contribute to their Dosha in full measure. While in 4 or 12, their Dosha is just 50%.

To understand the above principles let us say a girl has Mangal in 7th and Saturn in 8. To offset this Dosha both Mangal and Saturn should occupy the 7th in the boy's chart.

If there is Mangal in the 2nd in a girl's chart, then in the boy's chart Mangal should be in 2, 4 or 12.

Double counting is to be avoided. If we have taken Mangal Dosha from Lagna, then ignore Mangal Dosha from Chandra Lagna.

In a girl's chart let us say Rahu is in the 8th. Here the Dosha is 1. Now again one should not take another Dosha for Ketu in the 2nd.

The lord of the house where Maandi is located also gives rise to Dosha while in 7th or 8th with an ascribed Dosha of ¾.

  1. When Venus is hemmed between malefics it gives a Dosha of 1. (Ignore Rahu and Ketu as malefics for this purpose;When we say Venus is hemmed between malefics the planets referred to are Sun,Saturn and Mars only).
  2. A malefic in the 7th from Venus gives rise to 0.25 Dosha.
  3. Combusted Venus gives rise to ½ Dosha.
  4. Chaturasra Dosha caused by malefics in 4 and 8th gives rise to 1 Dosha.
  5. In a male chart, Venus in 7 is “Karako bhavanasaya” and gives rise to 1 dosha.
  6. Venus conjunct a malefic in a male chart gives rise to 1 Dosha.

However if Venus and Jupiter are in mutual aspect, there will be no Dosha attributable to Venus.

Dosha has to be reckoned from Venus only in male charts and not in female charts. Since two houses 7 and 8 are dosha - producing houses in a female chart, the quantum of Dosha tends to be higher compared to male charts where we reckon only the 7th for dosha purposes. To offset this imbalance in a boy's chart the 7th house dosha coupled with dosha involving Venus tends to balance Papa - Samaya with that of a girl in horoscope matching.

One more point I wish to stress here is that quantum of dosha is just a tool used by Astrologers and they are not specified in any textbooks.This is one of the main reasons for marriage proposals getting into deadlock as no two Astrologers use the same yardstick for measurement of dosha.


  1. When Mangal is the Lagna Lord.
    1. Mangal is aspected by or conjunct Jupiter.
    2. Mangal is aspected by Mercury.
  2. Mars hemmed between benefics.
    1. Mars is exalted or in own house in Rasi or Navamsa.
    2. Mars is yoga Karaka.
  3. Capricorn Ascendant, Mars is in Cancer. (The above rule is because Mars is in Chara Rasi).

In all the above cases Mangal Dosha gets reduced by 50%.


These are different interpretations in quantification of Mangal Dosha. In North India the quantum of Dosha attributed to Mangal Dosha as follows:-

8 100%
7 80%
4 60%
1 40%
12 20%


  1. Malefics are supposed to be good in 3, 6, 10 and 11. So if Saturn, Sun, Rahu or Ketu are in these houses certainly they support the chart especially if one of these lords owns the 7th house.
  2. Saturn signifies grief, old age, longevity and sorrow. So when Saturn is well placed it gives longevity and happiness. This can also be an antidote for Mangal Dosha.
  3. Long life is indicated if benefics influence the trines or quadrants. This is another antidote for Mangal Dosha.


If you read the rules for Mangal Dosha carefully, you will notice that more than fifty percent of people will have Mangal Dosha. If you read all the cancellation rules you will find that nobody has Mangal Dosha! My guru used to tell in lighter vein, that a person born in Tamilnadu will not have Mangal Dosha, because Lord Muruga is a Tamil God and he represents the planet Mars!

I would also like to give a word of advice to Astrologers. They should adopt a fair and liberal approach towards Mangal Dosha and nakshatra compatibility. They don't constitute the be - all and end - all of life.

A relative of mine used to say he married taking the guidance of an astrologer and become a young widower while his son who went in for an inter - religious marriage after an affair with the girlfriend, is happy in all respects!

First of all an Astrologer has to determine whether Mangal Dosha exists or it does not arise at all or the Dosha could be said to exist but for the cancellation rule and thereby it is dysfunctional. Every event happens through one's own past Karma reflected in one's own horoscope and the presence of Mangal Dosha in the spouse's chart is a concurrent or secondary indicator of events. If there is a hydrogen storage tank and if it gets somehow ignited, explosion is caused. So Mangal Dosha in a chart ignites the tinder box of the spouse. If the spouse has a water tank, then ignition cannot take place. Why I am using this analogy is because Mars represent the element of fire. While applying the cancellation rule the Astrologer has to be sure that Mangal Dosha is effectively cancelled. In Diwali season, you will see kids lighting crackers and they don't see them bursting, go near to examine them and they burst with a loud noise! This is the problem the Astrologer is going to face. Is Mangal active or dormant? Again if Mangal Dasha is operative, what is the effect it is going to deliver? This is what we discussed borrowing an analogy from Tolstoy’s Story. The core aspect we need to understand is whether Mars is playing a constructive role or a destructive role in the chart. For Virgo Lagna, Mars in 7 is destructive. For Cancer Lagna, Mars in 7 is constructive. I need not explain the reason - it is too elementary for anyone to comprehend. So if we match the above two charts, saying that Mars is in the 7th in both the charts would be to commit a Himalayan blunder. A robber has a knife with him - so does a surgeon. We cannot equate a robber with a surgeon.

In effect, we can conclude that the best approach in dealing with Mangal Dosha is the pragmatic one and not the dogmatic one.I hope through this article I have cleared all misgivings about Mars,most of which are unfounded.

I wish all readers of Express Star Teller and the Management Team a very Happy New Year 2024.May the Almighty bless us all with Health,Happiness and Prosperity.