The scriptural texts of the orient mention Dharma, Artha(wealth), Kama (Pleasures of Life) and Moksha (Final emancipation) as the four ends of life. Astrology, which is considered an eye of the Vedas, also supports this theory, by designating two pivotal houses in the horoscope,namely,the 2nd and the 11th to assess Wealth and Income prospects respectively and one house exclusively for deciphering prospects of expenditure and  loss viz., the twelfth house. The aim of Indian Philosophy is attainment of Moksha (liberation), which is considered as the supreme goal of life. In this state, one gets freedom from the threefold forms of suffering  (tapatreya) namely, Adhyatmika, Adhidaivika and Adhibhautika,more about which we will discuss in the course of this dissertation.

The four ends of life are the Purusharthas namely, Dharma, Artha, Kama and Moksha. Dharma is nothing but living life in accordance with the Vedic tenets, Sruti and Smriti. That which supports worldly prosperity is termed as Artha. The happiness which accrues due to the contact of the subject with the object is termed as Kama. According to Jaimini sutra vritti, the extinction of the three kinds of affliction viz., Adhyatmika, Adhidaivika and Adhibhautika is the highest achievement termed as Moksha. (Adhyatmika dukka or grief is caused by diseases of body and the mind, worries, anxiety, so on and so forth. Adhidaivika is caused by “daiva” or destiny or by unseen forces or gods. Floods famine, black magic and other similar forms of suffering come under this category. Adhibhautika refers to grief caused by other living beings such as wild animals, snakes or enemies.)

As regards the arrangement of the four Purusharthas, Dharma is placed first, Artha second, Kama third and last comes Moksha. However, some scholars have given a different hierarchy for these four Purusharthas”. Without wealth no rituals can be performed; so, Artha comes first. Hence the order turns out to Artha, Kama, Dharma and Moksha.

According to Carvakas, Kama is the goal of life and Artha is the means for acquisition of that goal. The Carvakas accepted Artha and Kama as the ends of life but concepts such as Dharma or Moksha are altogether rejected. So almost all schools of Indian Philosophical Thought recognize the importance of Artha or Wealth. Poverty is considered as the root cause of all ills. A poverty-stricken man is forced to commit all kinds of sins. To uphold Dharma, one has to do charity and without wealth, how can anyone do charity? So Artha, in some ways is a potent source for fulfilment of Dharma. According to Vatsyayana, a harmonious cultivation of Dharma, Artha and Kama is essential for happiness. None of them should be suppressed, rejected or looked down upon.

In this article we will look at how textbooks on Jyothisha deal with “Ärtha” or wealth. Upon going through this article and understanding its content, one can easily decipher the principles of Astrology in relation to Finance. According to Sage Parasara, a person becomes affluent if:-

  1. Venus occupies his own house while in the fifth while Mars is in the 11th (Brihat Parasara Hora Sastra, 41/2)
  2. Mars occupies his own house while occupying the 5th when Venus is in the 11th (Ibid.,41/7)
  3. Jupiter is in 5 identical with his own house while Mercury is in 11 (Ibid.,41/6)
  4. Moon is in Cancer in the 5th with Saturn in Capricorn (Ibid.,41/8)
  5. A person is born in Aquarius Lagna (or Taurus Lagna) with Mercury in the 5th and the 11th is occupied by a 3-planet conjunction involving Moon, Mars and Jupiter (Ibid.,41/3)
  6. A person is born in Mesha Lagna with Sun in Leo and a 3-planet conjunction comprising of Saturn, Moon and Jupiter occurs in the 11th house (Ibid., 41/4)
  7. Saturn occupies the 5th in its own house while Sun and Moon are in the 11th (Ibid., 41/5)

Let us now try to comprehend the underlying principles based on which yogas for wealth are given rise to. The first four rules (a to d) are simple in the sense that the only conditions to be fulfilled are that the lords of 5 and 11 occupy their own houses. This effectively means that they will aspect each other. Here the lord of 11 denotes gains while the lord of 5 denotes Poorvapunya. Only if one has performed good deeds in earlier births, one will become affluent in the present birth. There is an erroneous perception amongst many Astrologers that one will become rich merely beacuse the lord of 11 occupies its own house. This myth is sought to be busted by Parasara while stating that not only the 11th lord should be strong but simultaneously it should get the aspect of a strongly placed 5th lord.

Instead of just two planets, as much as three to four planets are involved in the next three rules (combinations e to g). The conjunction of Moon, Mars and Jupiter is actually the yoga of the lords of 3,6 and 11 for Aquarius lagna. Here these three planets inter se are mutual friends and also own Upachaya houses. For Taurus lagna, these three happen to own 3, 7 and 11. It is worth noting here that 3 and 7 are the trines of the 11th house and the planets concerned are mutual friends.

Rule f is also pregnant with meaning. When Sun is in 5, while Saturn, Moon and Jupiter are in 11, the basic idea of the 5th lord aspecting the 11th lord (with both lords occupying their own houses) is satisfied. In addition, Moon in 11 is a Full Moon and the yoga involves the lords of 4,9 and 11. The last combination involves Saturn in 5th in own house aspected by a two-planet conjunction involving Sun and the Moon. By implication, this means Saturn would be in Aquarius or Capricorn; Sun or the Moon would be in own house depending upon whether the Amavasya Yoga occurs in Cancer or Leo. Basically, the Sun and the Moon are friends inter se and in this particular yoga they happen to be favourably placedin the 11th. Basically, what the author wishes to convey is that lords of 5 and 11 should be strong in own house while conjunction in the 11th should involve mutual friendship amongst the planets participating in the conjunction resulting in the formation of yoga. Further yogas mentioned by Parasara as leading to affluence are as follows:

  1. Sun in Leo in the Ascendant conjuncts Mars and Jupiter.
  2. Moon in Cancer in the Ascendant aspected by Mercury and Jupiter (or conjunct Mercury & Jupiter)
  3. Mars in the Ascendant in own house and conjunct or aspected by Mercury, Venus & Saturn
  4. Mercury in Ascendant in own house aspected by or conjunct Saturn and Jupiter.
  5. Jupiter in the Ascendant in own house conjunct or aspected by Mercury and Mars.

Venus in the Ascendant in own house conjunct or aspected by Saturn and Mercury.

  1. Saturn in own sign in the Ascendant aspected by Mars and Jupiter.

Primary the trinal lords, namely, the lords of 5 and 9 are the wealth-giving planets. At a secondary level, a planet conjunct the lords of 5 or 9 is a planet capable of conferring wealth (BPHS, 41/16). If the question of timing influx of wealth arises, then an expert Astrologer should predict, based on planetary strengths, that a planet either owning or acting in harmony with such a planet is bound to give rise to prosperity in its main period.

Prosperity can be described as absence of poverty while Poverty can be described as absence of Prosperity. A chart can be deemed to be indicative of affluence when prosperity combinations are present and at the same time astrological indications for poverty are conspicuous by their absence.In this context let us look at a list of combinations for poverty as discussed by Sage Parasara in chapter 42 of Brihat Parasara Hora Sastra.

  1. Lagna lord in 12; 12th lord in lagna with or aspected by a Maraka planet
  2. Lagna Lord in 6: 6th lord in lagna with or aspected by a Maraka planet
  3. Lagna Lord in 8; Ketu in lagna or Ketu with Moon
  4. Lagna Lord in dustana house (6,8 or 12); Lord of 2 is either placed in an inimical house or is debilitated.
  5. Lagna lord joins the lord of 6,8 or 12 or if lagna lord joins Saturn and in such a situation, there is no benefic aspect on the lagna lord.
  6. 5th lord in 6; 9th lord in 12; Lord of 5 or 9 placed in such a position, is further aspected by a Maraka Planet.
  7. Malefics (not being owners of 9 or 10) occupy lagna in conjunction with or aspected by a Maraka planet.
  8. Lord of Navamsa occupied by the Moon occupies a Maraka house or is aspected by a Maraka planet.
  9. Malefics occupy auspicious houses; Benefics occupy inauspicious houses.
  10. Mars and Saturn occupy the 2nd (Should Mercury aspect this combination one will become affluent)
  11. Sun in 2 aspected by Saturn; Saturn in 2 aspected by Sun.



For this yoga to occur, the Ascended should fall in a fixed sign. Secondly, a strong Jupiter should be present in the chart and at the same time, own 2,5 or 11;further it should be associated with the Lagna and the Moon. Thirdly the lord of 2,10 or 11 must occupy a Kendra from Lagna and the Moon. Apart from wealth, this yoga can confer rulership over a vast kingdom.

Akhanda Samrajya Yoga is also formed in an abridged way as is evident from its definition in a few textbooks on Astrology.

(1)One out of the lords of  11th, 9th or the 2nd houses is in a Kendra from Moon, while Jupiter is the lord of 2nd, 5th or the 11th house  (Jyotisharnava Navanitam 5/30).

 (2) Out of the lords of the 11th, and the 10th and the 2nd houses, counted from the Ascendant, even if one planet is in an angle from the Moon,Akhanda Samrajya Yoga is formed .Simultaneously Jupiter  should be the ruler of one of the following houses viz.,2nd, 5th, or the 11th houses counted from the Ascendant (Deva Keralam  Verse  60,Part 2 )


For this yoga to occur two conditions should be satisfied. Firstly,benefics should occupy kendras and secondly the 6th and 8th houses, should either be vacant or occupied by benefics. According to Dr.B V Raman, Parvata yoga can occur in 3 ways.

  1. Benefics should be in kendras and the 6th and the 8th must be free.
  2. Benefics should be in kendras and the 6th and the 8th should be occupied by benefics
  3. The lords of the lagna and the 12th should be in mutual kendras

Further, Dr. B V Raman says ,” In my humble opinion, Parvata yoga cannot be so powerful as to minimize the strength of other important yogas. Its presence, no doubt, adds to making the person, an entity within a limited circle” (300 important combinations, page 39)


The Sun, Moon and Mars should be in trines from each other to give rise to this yoga and in turn this gives rise to wealth. According to Dr.B V Raman, “Irrespective of the presence of any particular yoga, dispositions of planets in mutual trines is always held to be highly favourable” (Ibid., page 101)


For this yoga to occur, Venus, Jupiter and the Lagna lord should be in mutual kendras, while the 9th lord should be strong. The effect of this yoga is that one will be blessed with several sources of income.


For the yoga to occur, there must be mutual interchange between the lagna lord and the second lord. If this yoga is present in a chart, the chart holder earns money without any effort.


This Yoga is formed if the 2nd lord occupies a Kendra or Trikona from the Lagna lord, or a naturally benefic 2nd lord is exalted or conjunct an exalted planet . The person born under this Yoga,will accumulate  wealth through his own effort.


The Lagna lord is abundantly strong, and the lord of the 9th house occupies a Kendra identical to his own house, his Moolatrikona, or his exaltation. The person born under this Yoga is good in looks, virtuous, very wealthy, owns vast lands, is learned,is an illustrious king, widely renowned, blessed with spouse and children.

Wealth Yogas according to Kalyana Varma

According to Kalyana Varma, if all benefics occupy the Upachaya houses (3,6,10 an 11) one will be wealthy; if two benefics occupy Upachaya house one will be moderately wealthy and even less affluent would a person be if a solitary benefic is similarly placed (Saravali, 13/32). In common parlance we term this yoga as Vasumathi yoga.

According to Kalyana Varma, one with a Sun-Moon conjunction will be quite wealthy (Ibid., 15/2). If the Sun and Mercury are in conjunction, one will be unsteady in wealth matters (Ibid.,15/4). One will have abundant wealth earned through women if Sun and Venus are conjunct (Ibid., 15/6). One with Moon-Jupiter conjunction will be wealthy (Ibid.,15/10). Should Mercury and Venus be together at birth, one will be abundantly rich (Ibid., 15/18). One will be blessed with plenty of wealth if, Jupiter and Saturn are conjunct in the birth chart (Ibid., 15/21) One will contract debts, if Mercury and Saturn are conjunct in the birth chart (Ibid., 15/19).

To sum up this discussion, the two-planet conjunctions can be divided into three categories, good, bad and mediocre in respect of money matters. The yogas caused by Sun-Moon, Sun-Venus, Moon-Jupiter and Jupiter-Saturn are very good for wealth. Mercury-Venus is supposed to be exceptionally good. Sun-Mercury combination is mediocre as it makes one unsteady in wealth matters. Mercury-Saturn is positively bad for financial health as it makes one contract debts.


According to Kalyana Varma, one becomes a thief if Sun,Moon and Venus are in conjunction (Ibid., 16/4). If Sun, Moon and Saturn are in conjunction, one becomes poverty stricken (Ibid., 16/5). Same is the case, when Mars, Saturn and Sun are in conjunction(Ibid., 16/9). One will be wealthy if Sun,Mars and Jupiter are in conjunction (Ibid., 16/7). One will be wealthy if there is a yoga of Mercury, Moon and Jupiter (Ibid., 16/20). One will be wealthy if Mercury, Saturn and Jupiter are in conjunction (Ibid., 16/33). When benefics are in conjunction one becomes wealthy, while a conjunction of malefics makes one indigent (Ibid., 16/37-38)


One inherits paternal wealth if:-

  • Venus is associated with the 9th lord
  • Venus occupies the 9th
  • Venus occupies a kendra
  • There is mutual interchange between lords of Ascendant and the ninth
  • Lagna lord and the 9th lord occupy a Kendra

In general, a strong 9th house and the harmonious placements of the lagna lord and the 9th lord, make one a beneficiary of paternal fortunes.


Venus is the planet for sensual pleasures, luxuries and comforts. Unless one happens to be wealthy, one cannot live a life of ease and comfort, though there may be stray cases, where in spite of being poor, some have access to comforts. 12th house is considered the seat of “Ayana Sayana sukha “, meaning “Sleep and other bodily pleasures” are conferred by the 12th lord and the 12th house. According to general principles of Astrology, 12th is an inauspicious house and a planet in the 12th is generally a harbinger of inauspicious results. In the case of Venus, this rule is inapplicable, as explained by Ramanuja in “Bhavartha Ratnakara”.

  1. For a person born in Mesha lagna, the lord of 2 delivers auspicious results, while in the 12th, while for the other lagnas, the results will be inauspicious (Ibid., chapter 1, Verse7)
  2. Venus in the 6th will give rise to fame and affluence. It will give the same results in the 12th house also (Chapter 12, Verse 4)

I wish to briefly summarise the three points highlighted by the author of Bhavartha Ratnakara. The first point is that lord of 2 in 12 is inauspicious in general; when the 2nd lord (ruling wealth) gets related to the 12th (house of loss), a nexus is established between riches and poverty, which is undesirable. For Mesha lagna, not only is Venus good per se in the 12th but also it is exalted. The second point, the author mentions is that Venus in the 6th is positively good for financial matters, overriding the general rule that a benefic in 6 is not good at all. The third point, stressed by the author is that in general, Venus in 12 will give rise to fame and affluence, meaning whatever is stated for Venus in 6 is equally applicable to Venus in 12. Further, Ramanujacharya says that much wealth will be earned if lord of 5 is in 5 or if lord of 9 is in 9 (Ibid., 2/2) while much wealth will not be acquired if the lords of 2 and 11 are combined with the lord of the 12th (Ibid.,2/5).

Astrology is an ancient science whereas we are now living in the modern world. Contemporary writers on Astrology have given various interpretations, which makes it possible to understand Astrology in the light of current trends. In their view, 5th house is to be analysed for predicting fortune in respect of entertainment and speculation; lotteries, races and betting come under 5th house. Dowry, insurance, illegal incomes can be understood from the 8th. Money earned through bribe, extortion, ransom or through illegal means is indicated by 2,5,8 and 11, especially if the concerned planets happen to be Mars, Rahu, Ketu or Saturn. In this context, I would like to tender a word of advice to budding astrologers. When a query is raised about a potential benefit which can accrue through an illegal or immoral activity, the Astrologer should either feign ignorance or skip the question or avoid that consultation. Since Astrology is a sacred science and also tied up with the law of Karma, the Astrologer should consider himself as an agent of the divine and consciously avoid any comprise when it comes to honesty, integrity or morality. Therefore, the rules discussed above may be understood by the student of Astrology only for academic interest and not for employment in the exercise of his profession as an Astrologer. It would be even more desirable if Astrologers can educate their clients about the supremacy of Dharma and the need to uphold the highest forms of integrity and honesty in thought, word and the deed,more particularly when it comes to acquisition of wealth.

I hope in the course of this dissertation, I have given a panoramic view of the astrological rules concerning wealth and how the presence of opposing rules can affect wealth prospects. With these concluding remarks, let us move on to our discussion on case studies.

Chart 1 belongs to Warren Buffett who is rated (as on June 2018), the third richest person in the world, next to Jeff Bezos and Bill Gates. The horoscope of Warren Buffett has all the trappings of a billionaire. Yogas such as Parvata Yoga, Bheri Yoga and Lakshmi Yoga are all prominently visible on the face of the horoscope. Buffett is largely a self – made person as is evidenced by the presence of the Svaveerya Dhana Yoga in his chart.

Chart 2 is another classic example of prosperity. In this case the Lord of 2 occupies its own house aspected by Jupiter. The Lord of 5 in 11, aspecting its own house, propels the chart, powerfully in the direction of affluence. Parvata Yoga, Bheri Yoga and Lakshmi Yoga are seen in the Chart.

Chart 3 is that of a married lady settled abroad ;Both the father and the husband are equally prosperous. She has lived a life of affluence from a fairly young age. This chart is an example of how Akhanda Samrajya Yoga can promote affluence in a Chart.


  1. One can come to a firm conclusion that a person will become affluent if the lords of 2 and 11 are strong and the above mentioned bhavas are also strong in a chart, provided the trinal houses are equally supportive of wealth. The Yogas mentioned in textbooks, quoted in the article, augment the wealth quotient in any chart. In conclusion, it can be said, that riches flow to a person in the period or sub-periods of wealth – producing planets in the chart.
  2. The most important conclusion we can derive out of this dissertation is that the presence of Wealth or otherwise in a Man’s life is mainly due to the impact of karma of earlier births rather than any special skill in earning money or due to the presence or absence of eligible qualifications or mindset to become wealthy. As in any other area of a person’s life ,it is the planetary position at birth which either makes or mars the financial fortunes of any living person.